FILMS USED: Heartbreak Ridge, Skyfall, The bodyguard, The bank job, Casino Royale, Cobra, The good, the bad and the ugly, Die Hard 2, Training day, Payback, Dances with wolves, Lethal weapon, Parker, Transporter, Braveheart, In the line of fire, Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Tin Cup, The Expendables, Quantum of Solace, The taking of Pelham 1 - 2 - 3, Crimson TideThe fifth element, Die Hard, The Siege, Dirty Harry, Man on fire, A fistful of dollars, Last man standing, The Book of Eli, For a few dollars more, The Specialist, Demolition Man, Cliffhanger, Waterworld, Ransom, Firefox, Assassins
SONGS: "All shook up" and "A little less conversation" by Elvis Presley
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